We Ride and We Vote
Citizens Taking Action
for transit dependent riders
December 7, 2023
Citizens Taking Action for transit dependent riders Send Comments to:
Summary of Comments at RTA Public Hearing on Budget
Regional transit is in trouble due to decreased federal funding
and fare box revenue
Need significant influx of funds to keep from shutting down and performing maintenance of way
To date no study, report or proposal issued presents a solution,
nothing new
We propose a reorganization / consolidation of all transit into four divisions
Bus, Conventional and Clean Energy Vehicles
Rail, Light Elevated and Commuter
Routes, Stations and Stops, Maintenance of Way
Schedules, Support and Specialized Services
Each municipality sent a bill for transit services to that locality based on a set formula and paid for through an appropriation
Only report we want is an annual report if service has increased or decreased – at a glance / law passed for procedures to follow to alter a route or schedule
Never place Citizens Taking Action on a list of RTA affiliated organizations
Uniformity in semi-annual and annual public hearings on transit needed, every year this process is pure chaos
List of Service Cuts due to Lack of Funding
List of Service Cuts due to Lack of Funding